Health Worker's Uniforms are a well-known area that can develop a significant bio-burden during the working day. Hospital laundry facilities have declined over the past decade and so it has become common practice for a lot of hospital uniforms to be laundered by the wearer in a home laundry environment. This practice does not produce a sterile uniform at the beginning of the working day and the bio-burden on the uniform will increase dramatically over an 8 hour shift.
Our research has shown that the uniform itself is an area where harmful organisms can grow exponentially if the textile material is not protected and could be adding to cross-contamination from one patient to another.
The use of Amicor in hospital textiles can help to considerably lower the potential risk of cross-infection from the textile to other surfaces and to patients, thereby reducing the potential bio-burden on the hospital ward.
Amicor contains an organic antimicrobial additive from Sanitized that the meets all legislative requirements globallyand that helps to prevent the growth of harmful bacteria at source. It has been identified as being highly effective in controlling specific bacteria that create problems relating to hygiene in major hospitals.
For detailed information on Amicor,
please write to Avik Mukherjee at